18.2 Normalizing

The option file changer function Normalizing offers the possibility to normalize your data by applying a minimum-maximum-normalization method. The function transforms all values to a new defined range e.g. 0 to 1000. Each value is subtracted by the minimum value and devided by the difference of the range of all values. The new values are then multiplied by the defined range according to the formula:

        (  x− xmin  )
xnorm =  x----−-x---  ⋅rangemax
          max    min

Inverse Min-Max-Normalization additionally inverts all values by subtracting it from the normalized range as in the following formula:

                ((           )          )
xnorminverse = 1 −   xmax − xmin ⋅rangemax

The inverse normalization is especially useful indicators are combined within an index and single indicators are negative indicators while others are positive.

Open the function settings dialog by double-clicking at the Option icon at the file tree.

The Normalization function has the following dependencies:

18.2.1 The Normalizing Settings Dialog

In the normalizing settings dialog select the range at which you want your data to be standardized, e.g. between 0 and 100, betwen 0 and 1000 etc. Optionally select inverse nomalization. Inverse Min-Max-Normalization additionally inverts all values by subtracting it from the normalized range.


Figure 56: The Normalizing Settings Dialog