30.2 Types of Tables

There are different types of tables that are optionally available for different information readers and for the correlation matrix:

30.2.1 Data Tables

Data tables are available can be displayed for all information reader functions. They are simply giving you the information that has been calculated by the function in a table format. You can display more than one information reader if you mark the information reader symbols in your file tree and drag and drop them in the display window. To combine different tables within one separte window drag and drop first one information reader and then another one into the same window. The table will be filled up automatically with the additional information.


Figure 106: Different data tables from information reader in one window

30.2.2 Sorted Data Tables

Sorted data tables give you the same information as the data tables but they combine and sort different informations from different files within one table. To create a sorted data table drag and drop the information readers you want to include one after the other in the same window.


Figure 107: Different data tables from information reader in one table

30.2.3 Count Values Table

The count values table shows the complete results from the count values information reader. It contains the number of frequencies that each value has been counted according to the precision value settings that have been made.


Figure 108: Count values table

30.2.4 Correlation Matrices

Correlation matrices can be displayed through drag and drop of the corrlation connection into the dispay window. A legend at the top of the window gives you a legend numbering the different files consecutively. Below you will find the covariance table and below the correlation coefficient matrix. If you selected p-value calculation you will find them in a seperate matrix as well as the partial correlation coefficients.


Figure 109: Correlation Matrix